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Supporting mothers, empowering women.

We advocate for mothers in STEMM and create evidence-based solutions to promote workplace equity and inclusion of caregivers.



Join us to discuss policies and actionable solutions to encourage and support caregivers in attending scientific conferences. In this open session, we invite all participants to engage with our guest speakers and science policy experts. This is a FREE event.


Adaude Amalunweze’s STEMM career flourished until she became a mother. Not only did she have to raise her child alone, with her spouse working in another town, but she also faced workplace marginalisation upon returning from her maternity leave. Click to learn more!


Caterin Salas-Redondo is a Sustainability Manager in the photovoltaic industry and mother of two. In an interview, she shares insightful advice on how to pursue one’s passion without mom guilt and explains how being a member of Mothers in Science has helped her in her journey.


Giving a voice to mothers and creating a strong community.

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