Laura Pandolfi


Post-doctoral fellow in cellular biology; 2 children of 7 and 2 years-old.

Instagram: @lestoriediunabiologa

Laura Pandolfi

“I surprisingly saw positive feedback, particularly from other women.”

I got married when I was 23 after getting my degree in Biology. During the first year of my PhD, at 24 years old, I became a mother. My aim was clear: “I love doing research but I also want to be a good mother and wife”.

It is usual to think that a woman cannot do both things in the right way, that she should choose: be a good mother or make a career. But I have never believed in stereotypes, I have always used them to improve myself. I immediately tried to organize my life in order to do my job well but also to be a positive presence for my family. What I learned with my first child was that it is not important how much time we spend with our children, but HOW we spend this time with them. When I had to stay at home for maternity leave, I felt bad and this made my son nervous. Once I came back to work, I felt reborn, I appreciated the time spent in the lab and I was so happy that also my son was more serene. 

After my PhD, I got pregnant with my second son and the organization of family vs. job became even more complicated. The support of my family has been essential. My husband never brought up when I had to work during weekend or conference trips. My parents have always been my supporters, helping me with my children. This aid exists because they see my happiness and they do it naturally. And in this scenario, my children also help me. One day, my son asked me: ”Mum, why does your job make you so happy?”.

After 8 years I can say that I am satisfied with the way I work with family and this feeling pushed me to start a mini project on Instagram. I try to explain what a mother-researcher does day to day, from life in the lab to changing diapers or playing with the kids. I surprisingly saw positive feedback, particularly from other women.

I can affirm that we can be both mother and researcher at the same time and do it greatly with family support!

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