Lucie Rose


PhD student in psychology at Université de Paris (France) and mom of two curious minds.

Instagram: @lucieunice

Lucie Rose

“Parenting has made me stronger.”

After growing up in a university town in the United States, surrounded by teachers, professors and researchers, I moved to France and attended business school. I began a career in marketing, specifically in cosmetics and luxury goods. After several years, my lingering interest in psychology began taking up more room in my mind and I decided to sign up for first year courses to figure whether I wanted to pursue this new path.

I was working full-time, traveling around the world, and also pregnant with my daughter at the time. When she was born, I realised I had to choose between my marketing job and going back to school. I began doing freelance translation work to have a more flexible schedule that would accommodate my studies and clinical internships.

I completed my neuropsychology training at Université de Paris in Summer 2020, with clinical internships focused on epilepsy. Neuropsychology is at the crossroads of psychology and neurology, and as neuropsychologists, we assess cognitive, emotional, behavioural functioning as well as guide patients on how to improve quality of life when possible. I find it enriching and motivating, and my four year old daughter has become a pro on how the brain works and why we need to protect it!

I decided to focus on research for the next few years and recently received a fellowship from Université de Paris for a three-year PhD program. I am focusing on the relationship between cognitive development and altruism in children, and attempting to create a scientifically sound program to improve altruistic behaviour in children. There is still so much to discover when it comes to how humans help each other, why they do, and how we can encourage it. I'm looking forward to an exciting career in research!

This journey started during my first pregnancy, and I am now mom to a strong-willed and super-curious four year-old, as well as an equally strong-willed boy a little over a year old.

It isn't easy to find time to dive deep into my research and think creatively, when most of my attention is dedicated to juggling their needs with everything else that needs to be done. But they also encourage me on a daily basis! Parenting them has made me stronger, more resilient, better at organising my work, more compassionate... and more altruistic!

catarina moreno