Martina Bodner


Food chemist, science teacher, mother to a daughter.

Instagram: @scicommforeveryone
Twitter: @martinabodner

Martina Bodner

“Society is not on our side (yet), but we can help and support each other on any decision we make with our own body, career and life.”

I have always been passionate about science and research. After a BSc and a MSc in Biotechnology, I work as a research assistant at a University first and later as a lab technician in industry. At some point I became a science teacher in a High School. My students’ passion inspired me to pursue a PhD in food chemistry.

During this period I divorced, found a new love, faced the leukemia diagnosis of my mom and her death when I was 5 months pregnant. During the 2020 lockdown I wrote and submitted my PhD thesis, which I defended in the middle of a pandemic with a 1-year-old daughter.

Being a mother made me a better scholar. I became more focused, more goal-oriented, I managed my time better (I wrote my thesis while my daughter was asleep), and I reduced my procrastination time.

But from a personal point of view, the PhD taught me so much. I learned that I am enough, that I deserve to aim high, that I don’t have to listen to the little voice in my head and fight my imposter syndrome every day. I learned that I can be a mother, that I can be an example for my daughter, that I am resilient, strong, and I know when to ask for help (a big thank you to my therapist!). I have learned that I have a lot of people who love me and support me, no matter how strange I am.

Society is not on our side (yet), but we can help and support each other on any decision we make with our own body, career and life.

We are stronger together. Remember: don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. 

catarina moreno